A view of life from between the pages.

"But words are things, and a small drop of ink, falling, like dew, upon a thought, produces that which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think."-Byron

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

STOP! Grammar Time.

Maybe I am being dramatic, but this semester has been kicking my ass. I should have listened to Dr. Carb when he peered over his eye glasses at me and said, "four English classes? In one semester? You must be confident. Maybe you should only take two." You know what I did? I took four. To spite Dr. Carb (even though I love him). I'd say a good 50% of the things I do are out of spite, but it works out well for me (i.e. getting into college, writing a novel, being a vegetarian, etc). But unlike my past juvenile self, I am no longer fueled by only spite; I have now mixed in a need to use all of my brain power, all the time, in everything I do. This is a relatively new idea, considering I just found out how to do it this morning. For years, I have worked hard trying to keep up with school, maintaining relationships, working (kind of) and making sure I give myself time to write and read. But from now until I am retired, I plan on working even harder. Last week, I had an American English Grammar exam. In my previous exam, I received the lowest grade I have ever gotten. Ever. What motivation! I buckled down, studied for 12 hours, meditated, ate a complete breakfast and BAM. There, written gracefully across the top of my exam from last Tuesday, was a 91%. I yelped, I cried and drew all the attention from my classmates on to myself and did not feel embarrassed at all. I earned this, people, back off! That was probably one of the best and most meaningful moments of my life, right up there with falling in love, hearing Conor for the first time, and being accepted into college. All that hard work paid off., even though I almost went crazy from studying infinitives. But anyway, so now I must try to keep up this trend of hard work, which will ensure my progression in my education as well as serving as a distraction from disappointing and unhappy matters.

Winter break is swiftly approaching. With winter break comes the daunting task of keeping busy. I will be babysitting every once in a while and spending ample time with by nest friends. I am hoping to read as many books as possible and also complete the five short stories I've been working on and finish a few of my poems. I just need to stay away from time sucks like Law and Order: SVU and shopping malls. Down side to winter vaca: Borders will be crawling with holiday maniacs trying  to find that perfect book for that perfect someone. Maybe I will have to retreat to the library. But libraries don't have coffee- yeah, no way.

I just need to push through these last two weeks.

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