A view of life from between the pages.

"But words are things, and a small drop of ink, falling, like dew, upon a thought, produces that which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think."-Byron

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Distinctive Goals and Opportunities?

This is my new ambition. This blog, that is. It has recently occurred to me that though writing is my only true emotional release, i rarely do it. Does this mean I have pent up emotions? Yes. Does this mean I intend on writing quite frequently? Yes. Though I am becoming increasingly more busy as the semester progresses, I plan on updating this blog as often as possible. Consider this a kind of outpost of interests. I will discuss factual analysis and perhaps even allow the realms of fiction to enter.

Now, I am not too sure of blog etiquette, so forgive any informality. I suppose I should give some background about myself. Let's see, I am a freshman at a state university in New Jersey. I study English and Secondary Education. Yes, my great ambition in life is to change the life of one of my students. Actually, allow me to revise that. My great ambition is to help a student discover a piece of literature that will one day change their life. I suppose you could say, that's what happened to me. It was in 8th grade, when I read The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. I read that young adult novel and fell in love with the idea of meaningful words. Soon after, I discovered the romantic literature of V.C. Andrews. And soon after that, I realized that romantic literature was not literature at all. When high school came around, I had been reading random poets; pretty much anything I could get my hands on. Then junior year, it happened.

By means of research for a literary paper on the US in the 1950s, I discovered Jack Kerouac and my life changed. I read On The Road and I've never thought the same way since. I soon came across Allen Ginsberg's "Howl" and my outlook on poetry also changed. From then on, I was in love with the Beats.

That is my literary background.

I have always been a writer. I recall writing a historical fiction piece about the Titanic in 5th grade. I misplaced it one day. That could have been my gold and my carelessness lead me to its disappearance. Anyway, in high school, I took every creative writing class possible (which was quite a few since my high school was a rather elegant one and allowed me many opportunities in the writing arts). In 12th grade, I wrote a novel for my novel writing class. It is not completed but very close. One day, it will be published along with the second extended prose I have been working on: my memoir. My memoir recounts the darkest period of my life thus far, something I call the Apocalypse. People tend to understand my talent in writing, and that has been made brutally clear to me especially today when four separate people asked me for my opinion and assistance on their writing. It felt good.

As far as employment goes, I have had five jobs. I was a tomato picker, a cashier, a dry cleaner's assistant, a sales associate and a hostess. But through all those remedial jobs, I've remained true to my life-long curse of being a writer.

I suppose this will be the conclusion of my first official blog. Until tomorrow...