A view of life from between the pages.

"But words are things, and a small drop of ink, falling, like dew, upon a thought, produces that which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think."-Byron

Friday, October 30, 2009

The future hangs over our heads...

Upon completion of my undergraduate studies, I will be tossed into the chaotic world of being a real adult, in which a salary is demanded to live. This presents several problems for those of us who will have trouble finding a  job after graduation, which will be most people. So to keep my mind at rest, I have come up with a systematic approach involving three possible options.

Option 1 (probably the most realistic, but least exciting of the three): The sensible thing after graduating college with a certification in teaching high school, a BA in English and a minor in Writing Arts would be to find a teaching job. However, there are hundreds of individuals also joining the educational frontier and that may make it quite difficult for me to find a job. Chances are, if I find a high school to teach at in Somerset or Hunterdon county, I will live at my parent's house. I would like to avoid this at all costs. But if the opportunity arises, I am sure I will continue to live in their house until I can gather enough funds to move the hell out.

Option 2: I can get my MA in English at either Rutgers-Newark or TCNJ. This would not be cost efficent, but in the long run (which may be quite long), it will help me find a job much easier and also perpetuate my life-long dream of learning everything I can. The downside of this option would again be the fact I would most certainly have to live at my parent's house, unless I can get some kind of student housing on campus. But personally, I do not want to live in Newark but, I suppose living in Ewing Township would not be quite that bad.

Option 3 (this option is the most exciting): To join either the Peace Corps or Americore. If I joined the Peace Corps, I would be sent somewhere in the world to teach English for two years. The Peace Corps would insure me for the entirety of my time spent abroad and pay me $6,000 upon my return to the states to help me readjust to American life. The Peace Corps would also provide housing and food for me as well. This sounds amazing. I would get to travel and teach at the same time, while not having to pay for anything. Sounds magnificent. Downside: I will miss my lovers and, I may enjoy the country so much, I might just stay there. On the other hand, I could join Americore, which is basically the same thing except I would be placed domestically and the time in the program is shorter. Both of these ideas are risky, especially if I am placed in the South for Americore or placed in South America.

What to do?

I technically need to decide within the year so I can schedule my GREs or apply for the Corps.

I suppose I will just think about...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should do what you have wanted to do for a while, get your masters! Are those the only schools who offer the MA in English? You can always live with me! :D And don't worry too much about graduation and what comes afterwards, your better off than me!

Love, Julie